The World of Crypt
Welcome to a new world one without light one without honor one without hope only madness and shadow remain Welcome to the world of Crypt. To find the answers you seek you must return to the light from whence you came to return to the light you must fight. Journey across vast open world environment battle unded hords and weild ungodly magic in this new top down RPG.

Saving the Game

Save the game by clicking on any Fire Pit they often appear nearby the mysterious stranger known as the keeper of the Dark
Combat / Inventory

Click on enemy's to highlight and attack them or when in range press the space bar or right click to attack use the numbered keys to cast spells. Press I to open the inventory you can also press and hold Shift to look around the world

To use items in the inventory drag them to the desired slot or simply double click them potions will be consumed on double click as well to drop any item you no longer wish to keep simply right click it do the same when equipped to un-equip it. If you left click on an item it willl tell you the items stats so you can know what it dose for your character lastly to destroy items and turn them into bones you can use simply hold space as you right click it this can be done with any item in the game but once done the item is gone forever
You Have a Mini Map as well that you can open by pressing M
Your Character has 4 main attributes-
Might - Raw damage with weapons and fists
Mana - Energy to cast spells and the speed at witch it recovers
Health- Your characters health and ability to stay alive
Speed- How fast you move in the world

Fire is the gift of the gods power incarnate to wield it one must have a hatred that burns eternal. Press 3 to launch bolts of fire that will travel through targets to deal damage.

Light is an ever glowing reminder of what once was and what may someday be again but now nothing more than a faded memory. Press 2 to unleash your inner light damages foes in area range as well as stunning them for a short time
Spells / Ability's

Rage gives you strength from it your weapons become more effective and your enemies shall know true fear. Press 1 to strike forth with your rage dealing more damage to enemy's in range you also gain enhanced power for a time.



Poison is the corruption that lies beneath the unrest in the heart and the ebbing tide of death that rolls through the air of this world. Press 7 to rise forth a noxious cloud of poison from the depths of the earth dealing damage over time to all who come in contact.


Ice is the cold that drives the night a frozen horror of the slow and seeping end to all life as the chill creeps into your very bones. Press 4 to launch a giant wall of ice at your opponents will damage and slow all targets it hits.

Darkness Falls over all it is a curse here one that plagues the land without end robing all light from the world even unto the souls of it's inhabitants. Press 6 to be consumed by the curse of Darkness you will lose life over time but be able to pass the curse to all you touch for a time damaging and slowing them.


Earth is the soul of the land the rock beneath your feet, the stone of the castles to the east and the great peaks of the ever frozen mountains to the west. Press 8 to Hurl great boulders of earth at your foes knocking them back damaging them and strengthening your defenses for a short time


Healing draws fromis the sustaining energy of all life in this world even now it drains from all things as the curse of the dark has its way with the world only those with light left in their soul can draw upon it. Press 5 to release your inner aura creating a spot of healing for a short time.


Lightning is the energy of the Stars great bolts of godlike fire must run through your veins like streams of ancient life to harness this awesome power. Press 9 to send bolts of lightning crashing down from the heavens on your foes dealing massive damage bolts come down wherever your mouse is when you activate it.